
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Simulating scientists doing experiments

Following a discussion on Gelman's blog, I was playing around with simulating scientists looking for significant effects. Suppose each of 1000 scientists run 200 experiments in their lifetime, and suppose that 20% of the experiments are such that the null is true. Assume a low power experiment (standard in psycholinguistics; eyetracking studies even in journals like JML can easily have something like 20 subjects). E.g., with a sample size of 1000, delta of 2, and sd of 50, we have power around 15%. We will add the stringent condition that the scientist has to get one replication of a significant effect before they publish it.

What is the proportion of scientists that will publish at least one false positive in their lifetime? That was the question. Here's my simulation. You can increase the effect_size to 10 from 2 to see what happens in high power situations.

Comments and/or corrections are welcome.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

An adverse consequence of fitting "maximal" linear mixed models

Distribution of intercept-slope correlation estimates with 37 subjects, 15 items

Distribution of intercept-slope correlation estimates with 50 subjects, 30 items
Should one always fit a full variance covariance matrix (a "maximal" model) when one analyzes repeated measures data-sets using linear mixed models? Here, I present one reason why blindly fitting ''maximal'' models does not make much sense.

Let's create a repeated measures data-set that has two conditions (we want to keep this example simple), and the following underlying generative distribution, which is estimated from the Gibson and Wu 2012 (Language and Cognitive Processes) data-set. The dependent variable is reading time (rt).

rt_{i} = \beta_0 + u_{0j} + w_{0k} + (\beta_1 + u_{1j} + w_{1k}) \hbox{x}_i + \epsilon_i

  u_{0j} \\
  0 \\
  w_{0k} \\
  w_{1k} \\
N \left(
  0 \\

\Sigma_u =
\left[ \begin{array}{cc}
\sigma_{\mathrm{u0}}^2 & \rho_u \, \sigma_{u0} \sigma_{u1}  \\
\rho_u \, \sigma_{u0} \sigma_{u1} & \sigma_{u1}^2\end{array} \right]

\Sigma_w =
\left[ \begin{array}{cc}
\sigma_{\mathrm{w0}}^2 & \rho_w \, \sigma_{w0} \sigma_{w1}  \\
\rho_w \, \sigma_{w0} \sigma_{w1} & \sigma_{w1}^2\end{array} \right]

\epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma^2)

One difference from the Gibson and Wu data-set is that each subject is assumed to see each instance of each item (like in the old days of ERP research), but nothing hinges on this simplification; the results presented will hold regardless of whether we do a Latin square or not (I tested this).

The  parameters and sample sizes are assumed to have the following values:

* $\beta_1$=487
* $\beta_2$= 61.5

* $\sigma$=544
* $\sigma_{u0}$=160
* $\sigma_{u1}$=195
* $\sigma_{w0}$=154
* $\sigma_{w1}$=142
* $\rho_u=\rho_w$=0.6
* 37 subjects
* 15 items

Next, we generate data 100 times using the above parameter and model specification, and estimate (from lmer) the parameters each time. With the kind of sample size we have above, a maximal model does a terrible job of estimating the correlation parameters $\rho_u=\rho_w$=0.6.

However, if we generate data 100 times using 50 subjects instead of 37, and 30 items instead of 15, lmer is able to estimate the correlations reasonably well.

In both cases we fit ''maximal'' models; in the first case, it makes no sense to fit a "maximal" model because the correlation estimates tend to be over-estimated. The classical method (the generalized likelihood ratio test (the anova function in lme4) to find the ''best'' model) for determining which model is appropriate is discussed in the Pinheiro and Bates book, and would lead us to adopt a simpler model in the first case.

 Douglas Bates himself has something to say on this topic:

As Bates puts it:

"Estimation of variance and covariance components requires a large number of groups. It is important to realize this. It is also important to realize that in most cases you are not terribly interested in precise estimates of variance components. Sometimes you are but a substantial portion of the time you are using random effects to model subject-to-subject variability, etc. and if the data don't provide sufficient subject-to-subject variability to support the model then drop down to a simpler model. "

Here is the code I used: