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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

lmer vs Stan for a somewhat involved dataset.

Here is a comparison of lmer vs Stan output on a mildly complicated dataset from a psychology expt. (Kliegl et al 2011). The data are here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwuz1g7rtwy17p1/KWDYZ_test.rda.

The data and paper available from: http://openscience.uni-leipzig.de/index.php/mr2

I should say that datasets from psychology and psycholinguistic can be much more complicated than this. So this was only a modest test of Stan.

The basic result is that I was able to recover in Stan the parameter estimates (fixed effects) that were primarily of interest, compared to the lmer output. The sds of the variance components all come out pretty much the same in Stan vs lmer. The correlations estimated in Stan are much smaller than lmer, but this is normal: the bayesian models seem to be more conservative when it comes to estimating correlations between random effects.

Traceplots are here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/91xhk7ywpvh9q24/traceplotkliegl2011.pdf

They look generally fine to me.

One very important fact about lmer vs Stan is that lmer took 23 seconds to return an answer, but Stan took 18,814 seconds (about 5 hours), running 500 iterations and 2 chains.

One caveat is that I do have to try to figure out how to speed up Stan so that we get the best performance out of it that is possible.

beta[1] = Intercept
beta[2] = c1
beta[3] = c2
beta[4] = c3
1. Fixed effects, Stan vs lmer:
mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
beta[1] 381.1 3.5 7.0 367.5 376.2 381.1 385.9 394.1 4 1.4
beta[2] 31.6 0.8 3.5 23.9 29.7 32.0 34.1 37.9 17 1.2
beta[3] 14.0 0.1 2.2 9.9 12.5 13.8 15.4 18.3 292 1.0
beta[4] 2.9 0.1 2.0 -1.3 1.5 3.0 4.2 7.0 251 1.0
Estimate Std. Error t value
beta[1] 389.73 7.15 54.5
beta[2] 33.78 3.31 10.2
beta[3] 13.98 2.32 6.0
beta[4] 2.75 2.22 1.2
2. Random effects, Stan vs lmer:
Stan: Var sd
# id (Intercept) 3152.9 56.151
# c1 531.6 23.056 0.5054
# c2 89.3 9.4499 -0.01583 0.11337
# c3 77.5 8.8034 -0.094069 -0.4715 0.028849
# Residual 4886 69.9
lmer: Var sd
# id (Intercept) 3098.3 55.66
# c1 550.8 23.47 0.603
# c2 121.0 11.00 -0.129 -0.014
# c3 93.2 9.65 -0.247 -0.846 0.376
# Residual 4877.1 69.84
## calculations of correlations from Stan output:
r12: 654.3 / (56.151 * 23.056) = 0.5054 = r12
r13: -8.4 / (56.151 * 9.4499) = -0.01583 = r13
r14: -46.5 / (56.151 * 8.8034) = -0.094069 = r14
r23: 24.7 / (23.056 * 9.4499) = 0.11337 = r23
r24: -95.7 / (23.056 * 8.8034) = -0.4715 = r24
r34: 2.4 / (9.4499 * 8.8034) = 0.028849 = r34
## original stan output:
Sigma[1,1] 3152.9 32.4 589.5 2197.9 2729.1 3090.3 3522.1 4432.8 331 1.0
Sigma[1,2] 654.3 8.5 180.7 367.8 522.5 628.3 767.5 1022.8 455 1.0
Sigma[1,3] -8.4 6.4 91.8 -203.6 -58.8 -4.5 49.7 161.7 207 1.0
Sigma[1,4] -46.5 7.4 91.1 -235.8 -101.9 -41.4 11.0 118.9 151 1.0
Sigma[2,1] 654.3 8.5 180.7 367.8 522.5 628.3 767.5 1022.8 455 1.0
Sigma[2,2] 531.6 6.4 109.0 357.4 455.4 517.5 599.2 780.8 289 1.0
Sigma[2,3] 24.7 2.9 37.3 -50.4 0.6 26.0 49.8 94.7 162 1.0
Sigma[2,4] -95.7 4.2 43.6 -186.6 -121.0 -91.4 -68.0 -16.6 109 1.0
Sigma[3,1] -8.4 6.4 91.8 -203.6 -58.8 -4.5 49.7 161.7 207 1.0
Sigma[3,2] 24.7 2.9 37.3 -50.4 0.6 26.0 49.8 94.7 162 1.0
Sigma[3,3] 89.3 11.6 53.1 11.5 50.0 85.7 120.6 207.4 21 1.1
Sigma[3,4] 2.4 2.8 21.2 -31.6 -11.0 -0.6 13.4 49.1 56 1.0
Sigma[4,1] -46.5 7.4 91.1 -235.8 -101.9 -41.4 11.0 118.9 151 1.0
Sigma[4,2] -95.7 4.2 43.6 -186.6 -121.0 -91.4 -68.0 -16.6 109 1.0
Sigma[4,3] 2.4 2.8 21.2 -31.6 -11.0 -0.6 13.4 49.1 56 1.0
Sigma[4,4] 77.5 9.7 44.5 11.2 45.5 68.6 102.4 175.3 21 1.1
#LMER fit: time taken: 23 seconds
# Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
# id (Intercept) 3098.3 55.66
# c1 550.8 23.47 0.603
# c2 121.0 11.00 -0.129 -0.014
# c3 93.2 9.65 -0.247 -0.846 0.376
# Residual 4877.1 69.84
#Number of obs: 28710, groups: id, 61
#Fixed effects:
# Estimate Std. Error t value
#(Intercept) 389.73 7.15 54.5
#c1 33.78 3.31 10.2
#c2 13.98 2.32 6.0
#c3 2.75 2.22 1.2
##Stan: time taken: 18,814 seconds (5.2261 hours)
> fit2 <- stan(model_code = klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast,
+ data = dat2,
+ iter = 500, chains = 2)
TRANSLATING MODEL 'klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast' FROM Stan CODE TO C++ CODE NOW.
COMPILING THE C++ CODE FOR MODEL 'klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast' NOW.
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast' NOW (CHAIN 1).
Iteration: 500 / 500 [100%] (Sampling)
Elapsed Time: 8255.26 seconds (Warm-up)
1650.07 seconds (Sampling)
9905.33 seconds (Total)
SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast' NOW (CHAIN 2).
Iteration: 500 / 500 [100%] (Sampling)
Elapsed Time: 8062.87 seconds (Warm-up)
845.716 seconds (Sampling)
8908.59 seconds (Total)
> print(fit2)
Inference for Stan model: klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast.
2 chains, each with iter=500; warmup=250; thin=1;
post-warmup draws per chain=250, total post-warmup draws=500.
The model code:
klieglvaryingintslopes_codefast <- 'data {
int<lower=1> N;
real rt[N]; //outcome
real c1[N]; //predictor
real c2[N]; //predictor
real c3[N]; //predictor
int<lower=1> I; //number of subjects
int<lower=1, upper=I> id[N]; //subject id
vector[4] mu_prior; //vector of zeros passed in from R
parameters {
vector[4] beta; // intercept and slope
vector[4] u[I]; // random intercept and slopes
real<lower=0> sigma_e; // residual sd
vector<lower=0>[4] sigma_u; // subj sd
corr_matrix[4] Omega; // correlation matrix for random intercepts and slopes
transformed parameters {
matrix[4,4] D;
D <- diag_matrix(sigma_u);
model {
matrix[4,4] L;
matrix[4,4] DL;
real mu[N]; // mu for likelihood
beta ~ normal(0,50);
sigma_e ~ cauchy(0,2);
sigma_u ~ cauchy(0,2);
Omega ~ lkj_corr(4.0);
L <- cholesky_decompose(Omega);
DL <- D * L;
for (i in 1:I) // loop for subj random effects
u[i] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(mu_prior, DL);
for (n in 1:N) {
mu[n] <- beta[1] + beta[2]*c1[n] + beta[3]*c2[n] + beta[4]*c3[n] + u[id[n], 1] + u[id[n], 2]*c1[n] + u[id[n], 3]*c2[n] + u[id[n], 4]*c3[n];
rt ~ normal(mu,sigma_e); // likelihood
generated quantities {
cov_matrix[4] Sigma;
Sigma <- D * Omega * D;
view raw gistfile1.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub


Bradley Spahn said...

Hi Shravan,

The efficiency of your STAN code aside, I think we shouldn't be surprised that a STAN model took longer than lmer. Any of the generic bayes samplers (BUGS, JAGS, STAN, etc.) will get trounced by well-written model-specific code. While the generic packages try to optimize as best they can, they can't compare to well-written code. I think you'd find similar results if you compared any of the mcmcpack results to a stan model as well.

Titus von der Malsburg said...

My limited experience is consistent with your numbers, Shravan: the time it took STAN to converge was about 1000 times longer than what lmer needed for the analogous model. If this can't be improved substantially, STAN might be pretty much useless for many practical applications in our research field. Most of my colleagues are running lmer models that take hours our days to converge. Even a factor 10 slowdown is very difficult to swallow in these situations.

BTW, when I tried to access the traceplot I got a 404.

Shravan Vasishth said...

With Stan 2.5, things have become much, much faster. For psycholinguistics at least, speed is no longer a reason to not use it.