
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

New paper: Modeling misretrieval and feature substitution in agreement attraction: A computational evaluation

This is an important new paper from our lab, led by Dario Paape, and with Serine Avetisyan, Sol Lago, and myself as co-authors. 

One thing that this paper accomplishes is that it showcases the incredible expressive power of Stan, a probabilistic programming language developed by Andrew Gelman and colleagues at Columbia for Bayesian modeling. Stan allows us to implement relatively complex process models of sentence processing and test their performance against data. Paape et al show how we can quantitatively evaluate the predictions of different competing models.  There are plenty of papers out there that test different theories of encoding interference. What's revolutionary about this approach is that one is forced to make a commitment about one's theories; no more vague hand gestures. The limitations of what one can learn from data and from the models is always going to be an issue---one never has enough data, even when people think they do.  But in our paper we are completely upfront about the limitations; and all code and data are available at for the reader to look at, investigate, and build upon on their own.

Download the paper from here:

Modeling misretrieval and feature substitution in agreement attraction: A computational evaluation


 We present a self-paced reading study investigating attraction effects on number agreement in Eastern Armenian. Both word-by-word reading times and open-ended responses to sentence-final comprehension questions were collected, allowing us to relate reading times and sentence interpretations on a trial-by-trial basis. Results indicate that readers sometimes misinterpret the number feature of the subject in agreement attraction configurations, which is in line with agreement attraction being due to memory encoding errors. Our data also show that readers sometimes misassign the thematic roles of the critical verb. While such a tendency is principally in line with agreement attraction being due to incorrect memory retrievals, the specific pattern observed in our data is not predicted by existing models. We implement four computational models of agreement attraction in a Bayesian framework, finding that our data are better accounted for by an encoding-based model of agreement attraction, rather than a retrieval-based model. A novel contribution of our computational modeling is the finding that the best predictive fit to our data comes from a model that allows number features from the verb to overwrite number features on noun phrases during encoding.

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